At Northwest Education and Training we have adapted our Apprenticeship delivery to ensure we can fully deliver, support and assess learners online.
Classroom delivery has moved to online using MS Teams/Zoom classes. All learners will be given their individual timetable by their Tutor and sent the link to access the class. One to one support sessions will also be delivered online and times and dates will be arranged directly with your Tutor.
Online learning modules are issued to all Apprentices and can be accessed through your online login at lms.highfieldelearning.com
If you need to reset your login please contact your tutor.
Apprentices also use a ENVQ online portfolio system that can be accessed from the following link login.onefile.co.uk
All Apprentices will have access to equipment and resources needed to complete the online sessions; NWEAT will work closely with employers to ensure these are available for every learner.
Functional Skills Assessments will be completed online using Skills Forward online invigilation support. Once your tutor confirms that you are ready to complete your assessments, we will arrange to book a date and time with Skills Forward. We will ensure all equipment is made available to you prior to assessment. You will need a laptop or PC with a webcam or a phone with a camera that can be used to check the room during the assessment; you will also need access to the internet.
Workplace visits can be arranged for learners who would benefit from face to face support and training. We will work with employers to complete risk assessments and ensure all Government guidance is adhered to prior to completing these sessions.

If you need support to access any of our online portals or classes, please contact your tutor directly or alternatively get in touch with the NWEAT centre team.
